Industrie : la grande muette ?

Dans la mobilisation générale pour que les plus jeunes n’ignorent plus ou ne boudent plus l’industrie, chez Samp nous jouons notre rôle en proposant une méthode de travail moderne, efficace et attractive.

Mobilisation générale pour résoudre la pénurie de main-d’œuvre dans l’industrie.

À l’heure où 60.000 postes sont vacants dans l’industrie, la tension est encore plus palpable dans l’industrie de process !

Là où justement on ne fabrique pas d’objets, mais où on transforme les matières et les flux d’énergie et de matériaux: électricité, eau, chimie, pharmacie, agroindustrie, mine

Samp,ai: Industrie la grande muette

La méconnaissance de son existence joue avant tout contre elle. On dit souvent de l’armée qu’elle est la “grande muette”. C’est aussi le cas de ces industries fondamentales, invisibles du citoyen, jeune ou pas.

Et pourtant, elles sont fascinantes, par leur échelle, et par leurs procédés thermochimiques ou thermodynamiques, qui sont bien plus proches de ceux du vivant que les procédés mécaniques de l’industrie manufacturière (“qui fabrique des objets”). All teams and contractors collaborate on consistent and engaging visual information from your legacy IT.

Toutefois, la prudence opérationnelle est de mise – à juste titre vu la dangerosité de certains process – et conduit souvent à un conservatisme extrême dans les méthodes de travail.

Celles-ci sont bien souvent source de frustration et de rejet par les nouvelles recrues, surtout à l’heure de l’instantanéité et des écrans.

Samp's solution lets you check and retrieve process diagrams in one click through a 3D view. No more wasting time searching, printing, and going on-site.

Samp offre une méthode intuitive pour vérifier et retrouver les schémas techniques de procédés en 1 clic via une vue 3D, au lieu de passer des heures (littéralement) à les chercher, les imprimer, puis partir sur site avec un feutre pour les vérifier (au risque de faire une chute)…

Pourquoi encore accepter de faire ça ? Jeune ou pas.

More to explore

©_Antoine_Meyssonnier Digital twin in gaz facilities

Engie & Samp: Digital twin in gas storage

Did you miss our CEO Laurent’s roundtable at VIVA TECHNOLOGY? Samp solves it all ! Our Shared Reality, links the reality of the field to existing technical data in a matter of days. Distribute the update work with easy access to all your teams, partners and contractors.

update your industrial 3D in just minutes

Update your industrial 3D in just minutes

An industrial site is constantly changing. And the technical data lags behind, leading to disastrous consequences for safety, costs and sustainability. Most digital initiatives fall into this growing gap between reality and data, failing to deliver real value! 3D scans provide a fantastic opportunity to instantly capture the current reality of your sites. But such a snapshot rapidly becomes obsolete… What if you could keep your 3D always up-to-date, synced with your data, in no time and at no extra cost!!! Samp’s breakthrough workflow within Shared Reality now allows you to have your 3D up-to-date just minutes after your work on site involving only your own teams, with zero subcontracting with full control over the data quality Join us for this webinar to witness a big reveal

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Stéphane Evanno

Chief Strategy & Development Officer

What can you expect from a demo with Samp?

Scanning Services

Extend the reach of your scanning services by delivering your scanning campaigns on a purely web-based portal, designed from the ground up for the industry. Leverage your surveying and topographic expertise to consolidate valuable field data into a single viewer: maps, aerial and drone orthophotos, laser scans, photogrammetry or videogrammetry, and georadar can now be securely viewed, updated and shared in one place.

Engineering services, EPC

Upscale the value of your engineering services offering by delivering digital twin as a service, powered by your qualified staff. Improve customer retention with longer-term contracts that ensure continuous synchronization of technical documentation with the as-built facility. Accelerate or automate the production of technical deliverables when working on brownfield projects with little or no existing input information.


When preparing a quote for operating a facility on behalf of the owner, be sure to maximize that short window of time by taking advantage of as much technical information as possible. Turn your initial site visit into a unique opportunity to capture the current condition of the facility. Make a bid that will beat the competition with an already operational digital twin, while giving you increased confidence in your future service contract margins.


Whether you manage a single plant or a fleet of sites, whether your facilities are on-shore or off-shore, we can help you build and maintain a twin within days. Major milestones in a plant’s lifecycle, such as handover from EPC to operator, change of ownership, revamping or decommissioning, provide an opportunity to implement a safer and more efficient way of working with your extended teams, regardless of the quality of your technical data.